Lukas Winter

Lukas Winter

Kategorie Interactive


I am Everybody

World Heritage Map

Person interacting with touchscreen; touchscreen shows world map and textlarge touchscreen in a roomHand interacting with touchscreen; touchscreen shows world map and text

GFAR Annual Report 2016

6 icons: a hand holding a red pie chart, an open, purple eye, two blue hands shaking, a yellow cloud behind a person's head, three green plants in a chart, two people behind a flask filled with orange liquid


Facial editingfacial recognitionPhotoautomat

Benzing Brevete

Main menuIndicatorsPhotoTime stamp

Interactive engine shed

Steam locomotiveElectric locomotiveSelection screenExplanation

La voyage clandestine

Mother machineBook coverMoving panorama showing the hidden worldOn arrival in the hidden world, strange mechanical creatures can be spotted on the horizon

World News Visualisation

tag cloudMap


My name is Lukas. I create animations and develop interactive stuff. Take a look at my projects and drop me a line if you are interested in hiring me or a collaboration: